Travel destinations 2016

2016 begins with two new trips to European capitals. Istanbul and Rome. It is the second time for me to visit those wonderful cities and I am very happy because you can never see enough.

This time I am meeting some couples to make beautiful images together, so if you think this is a good idea for you and your partner, I will be happy to meet you there.

Send me an email or drop me a line.

destination wedding photographerdestination wedding photographerdestination wedding photographerdestination wedding photographerwedding photography Istanbulwedding photography Istanbulwedding photography Istanbulwedding photographers Istanbulwedding photographers Istanbul

wedding photographers Rome

wedding photographers Romewedding photographers Romewedding photography Romewedding photography Romewedding photography Romewedding,Rome,Istanbulwedding,Rome,Istanbul



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